Professional Solutions Publications

Professional Solutions has published two books focussed on medical and medico-legal practice. These books are intended as “go to” guides for clinicians and medical experts who want to ensure that their approach in a variety of professional and expert situations is both appropriate and supported by the applicable law.

Written for medical experts and quantum experts by Giles Eyre and Lynden Alexander and published in association with the Expert Witness Institute, this Second Edition of the highly-praised guide to medico-legal report writing in civil claims bridges the ‘communication void’ that too often exists between medical experts and the lawyers who instruct them. The guide explains the legal principles and rules of court that must be applied in writing reports, gives guidance on the report’s content and format, provides practical forensic writing skills, and explores the practical and contractual issues that arise in medico-legal practice.

This essential guide to medicine and the law, written by barrister Giles Eyre, addresses the fundamentals of how the law, lawyers and the legal system affect clinical practice. Medicine and the law are intricately linked through statutes, regulations and the common law. Yet, very few clinicians have more than a fuzzy understanding of the law and understand even less about how lawyers will approach medical matters when it is alleged that treatment has fallen short of what is reasonably to be expected of treating clinicians. This guide includes forewords by James Badenoch Q.C. Chairman Emeritus EWI, Dr Jan Wise Chair of the BMA Medico-Legal Committee 2004-2018 and Michael A Foy Chairman of the Medico-Legal Committee of the British Orthopaedic Association.